
Sometimes, you need to engage more than just your ears.

Sometimes you need to get in there, roll up your sleeves, and get messy with the real details of real situations and the new ideas you’re learning.

That’s the difference between a talk or a book and a training.

I learn best by example and by applied theory, as in applied right now, and I know I’m not alone.

Want to bring your team conflict and unpack it?  Do.

Want to analyze everyone in your chain of command via SIEF score?  Do.

Want to rebuild your benefits packages on the spot, create versions for intensives and expansives, and get immediate feedback? This is the place.

Raise your hand, ask questions, think it through.  Get in a group, get confused, ask for help.  Fix the problem. Do it again.

Theory is just theory until you lay that tracing paper over the drawing and see how it lines up.  So in my workshops, you and your team will learn, and then you’ll do, over and over.  The burning question you’ve got about the person you know will become the working model for your next activity; that tricky situation from last week will get solved for once and for all when you debrief in an hour.

You will take what I’m teaching and bend, fold, spindle, tear, and mutilate it until you get it–or until you know it’s not for you.

I begin the day with a plan, an outline, and a lot of flexibility, because I know that sometimes the best learning happens off-script and in real examples.  After twenty years and more of designing and running workshops on a wide variety of topics for vastly diverse audiences, I find that almost anything that comes up is rich material to work with.

And if we get too far afield, I will bring us back, gently but clearly.

Workshops are always tailored to the audience; for a fully customized solution you will want to hire me for consulting instead.  If you have questions, feel free to drop them in the form below.  A list of suggested topics is here (the same as for speaking) but requests are very welcome if you don’t see your idea there.

Cost: Corporate workshops start at $6500 for a half day training, plus expenses.  Full days, multiple days, and several sequential workshops over a period of weeks or months are also a possibility.

To book: Contact me using the form below.  Tell me a little bit about your context and what topics you have in mind, to address what kind of situation.  I’ll be back in touch as soon as possible, usually within a day or two.  If you haven’t heard from me in two days, don’t hesitate to follow up.

I’m looking forward to working with you!