
Intensive entrepreneurs and executives, this is for you!

Work with me one-on-one to:

  • REVEL in your intensiveness.  You’re an intensive!  Love it! Show it off! Make it your superpower.
  • Use your power for good!  Support others with the power and fierceness you bring to your own work.  Use your passion to stay engaged.  Pick business structures that you don’t have to fight against!  (Find ways to show up for your people that don’t get boring and sloggy after ten minutes. Stop listening to advice made for expansives.  Drive your consistency with novelty, joy, curiosity, and innovation.)
  • Figure out your people!  Are they intensives?  Expansives?  What do they need and want as intensives or expansives?  Maybe you have both!  What then?  Know your people, love your people.  Know the difference between a great fit and a great person.

These work whether you’re an executive in charge of hundreds of people or a single entrepreneur working in your living room while you feed your kid.

Two options:

Coaching by the hour.  (On the phone, from anywhere.) $250  Click to book.


i4i (Intensives for Intensives): in person, immersion style.  Click for details.


Want to see if we’re a good fit?  Sign up for a Let’s Chat session.